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3 Keys to Getting New Customers from Your Website


Updated: Oct 1, 2020

Your website can actually be your best sales person, getting you new paying customers in a consistent and sustainable way, but only if you optimize it to reach its full potential. You can’t just create it and forget it. You have to maintain it if you want to increase sales—not just let it accumulate digital dust.

Here’s what you need to do to get new customers from your website.

1. Design a Website that Drives Sales

Your visitors will judge your website quickly when they enter it, so you need to make sure that it’s designed in such a way that will make them want to stay on, look around, and convert to new customers. You don’t want them to quickly X out and search for your competitor’s site instead. There are a few things you can do to create a site that effectively drives sales.

For one, make sure your design is modern and up to date—no 90s layouts, autoplay music, poor photography, or gifs. You also want to make sure it’s easy to navigate—add a search bar and a navigation map, use drop-down menus, and organize your text in a way that is coherent. Eliminate clutter. You’ll also want to check that your pages load quickly. Use calls to action. And most importantly, create killer content, which we will get into more below.

2. Make It Easy for Leads to Find Your Site

If visitors aren’t finding your site, you’re not going to be able to get any new customers from it. So you’re going to have to put some effort into attracting leads. Search engine optimization (SEO) will need to be a key part of your inbound marketing strategy. Using keywords in your content will help you increase your rank on search engines, so leads who are looking for answers, products, or services just like yours can be led to your site.

Additionally, sharing your content, your deals, and your news on social media can give you more channels to reach a wider audience. If people are interested in what you’re sharing, they’ll click on your link and be redirected to your website, where they can start learning more about you and what you offer.

Make sure to add your web address on all of your marketing materials as well—on your business cards, in your emails, to your newsletter, and everywhere else you can think of.

3. Create Killer Content

To successfully attract leads to your website in order to gain new customers, you need killer content. Your content should be a healthy mix between educational and entertaining. Educational content can help leads on their buyer’s journey. By answering questions they may have and providing information that they might seek about your company, your industry, and the types of products or services that you offer, you can become known as a trusted resource. This will help you gain credibility so your leads start to trust you. Once they’re ready to buy, your company name will come to mind as the ideal business to buy from.

But your content can’t be all about educating and selling. To keep visitors interested so they turn into new customers, you also have to entertain. Post how-to videos, before-and-after photos, customer testimonials, and interesting case studies to keep their interest, so they stay on your site longer and come back for more in the future.

What’s most important, though, is to create content that is meant for your buyer personas—you want it to be as personal as possible so it can speak directly to your audience to lure them in. The more effectively you can nurture your leads with killer content that they care about and need, the better chances you have of converting them into new customers.

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