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3 Steps to Ranking Well on Google's New Algorithm

Google is constantly adjusting its algorithm in order to increase the effectiveness of its Google search rankings. Their newest algorithm, Hummingbird, was put into place recently in order to improve the promotion of high quality websites and to cut down on websites using cheap tricks, such as SEO keyword stuffing, in order to increase their search engine rankings. The following are three tips that you should implement into your online marketing strategy in order to improve your rank while keeping the new Google algorithm in mind:

1. Focus on content

Content marketing is more important than ever in increasing your Google ranking. Google keeps an eye out for good content since this is the type of business that Google actually wants to support. In fact, a good content strategy is exactly the type of approach to SEO that the newer Google algorithms have been designed to shape. The following are the things that a good content strategy provides Google with:

  • The fact that you are providing informative and helpful content to your target audience.

  • The fact that you are releasing content to your target audience on a regular basis.

  • Social signs from the engagement of readers with you through your content.

  • Social signs from the sharing of your content by your readers over social media platforms.

  • Signs that your website is  changing regularly, meaning that it is being up to date, that it is alive and that it is growing.

  • The fact that your brand is establishing itself as an authority within its industry due to the quality and popularity of the content you are releasing.

Obviously, your content strategy is as important as it ever was due to the fact that Google is paying even more attention to it. Keep focusing on your content strategy and be sure to implement mobile content marketing if you haven’t already.

2. Using social media

In the last few years, the use of social media has grown to become a prominent part of most inbound marketing strategies. More and more different social media sites have popped up as well, from Instagram to Pinterest, allowing for even more options. It’s at the point where simply having a business page on Facebook isn’t enough. You need to be active on a handful of social networks in order to be as effective in your social media marketing as possible. According to the Content Marketing Institute, the most successful B2B companies have an active presence on as many as seven social media platforms. The following are things that you should be doing with your social media in order to improve your ranking with the new Google algorithm:

  • Make sure social sharing is enabled for all of your content.

  • Make sure you are distributing your content through all of your social networks.

  • Make sure you have a company profile on all social networks that are relevant to your brand.

  • Make sure you are active on social networks that your customers are using.

3. Sign up to Google+

Google+ is another social media site, but it’s one you should absolutely be on – it is run by Google after all, which means that there are a number of ways you can increase your ranking through the use of Google+, including:

  • Using Google Authorship in order to bring your entire body of content together under one name, and then tying it to your Google+ account.

  • Google+ 1s, which is Google+’s version of the “like,” are a huge factor in how Google’s algorithm reads your social signals.

The new Google algorithm is all about ranking companies that provide their audiences with valuable content. The ranking is in large part determined by your involvement in social media as well, since social signals help Google figure out if your content is of high quality. So focus your marketing strategy on your content and social media presence in the upcoming years.

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