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5 Things You Can Do If Your Sales are Plummeting

If your sales are plummeting, don’t panic. It doesn’t mean your business is going to fail. Remain calm and read this article. You can get your sales back on track if you follow these five steps.

When your sales are plummeting and you’re not sure why, it’s not the end of business as you know it. It’s a bad sign, but it can be an opportunity for growth. It can be the signal you need to readjust your business practices and strengthen your sales and marketing efforts. No strategies are going to be successful forever—customers change, buying behaviours change, and business changes. When your sales are plummeting, here are five things you should do to get them back on track.

Understand What the Numbers Are Telling You

First things first, you must extensively examine your numbers. When you check them out and take the time to understand what they’re telling you, you’ll be in a better position to fix the issues because you’ll know exactly what’s wrong. Your numbers might tell you that only certain sales reps have numbers that are decreasing, that a specific product isn’t doing as well in the market as you had hoped, or that the timing of your sales cycle is changing. But the first step to knowing how to fix your problem is to know what it is in the first place—so examining your numbers is vital.

Open Up Communication

As the owner of a company, you’re not there for everything that’s going on. You’re busy with your own business activities, and you’re not the one talking to customers. When you open up communication with your sales force, you can better pinpoint where your problem lies. They may know more than you do. When your reps are talking to clients and prospects, they’re going to be noticing trends and getting feedback that can help you better understand why your sales are plummeting.

Invest in Training

If you’ve reviewed and analyzed performance and concluded that your sales force is the issue—it’s time to invest in training. It’s worth the cost. Your sales reps are vital to your organization so you need to have a strong team that knows how to sell your products or services efficiently. They need to be getting results. Perhaps they’re just not familiar with the newest trends in the market or they’re using outdated selling techniques. Don’t forget to also provide training opportunities for your managers, too, so they can better coach your team every day.

Focus on Inbound Marketing

The problem many companies have when their sales are plummeting is that they’re only using traditional marketing—they’re not online. In this day and age, it’s more important than ever to be online. If you haven’t done so already, update your website, start writing up content, get to understand SEO tactics, and sign up for social media. Your customers are going to be doing their own independent research on your company and your products or services, both before and after they’ve been contacted by your reps. If they can’t find any information about you you’re going to losing out on sales.

Research Your Competition and Your Research

If your internal examination isn’t getting you the answers you’re looking for, look outward. You might be missing some important piece of the puzzle that is contributing to the fact that your sales are plummeting. Maybe there’s a new competitor that you didn’t know about or one of your known competitors has significantly lowered its prices or has a great marketing strategy you should be aware of. Maybe the market you’re targeting isn’t actually the one that you should be focusing your efforts on. Sometimes, all it takes is some good old fashioned market research.

Don’t let plummeting sales get you down. You have the opportunity to turn things around if you reevaluate your sales and marketing efforts by examining your numbers, talking to your sales team, investing in training, concentrating on inbound marketing, and researching your competition and research. If you still can’t get your sales up, consider talking to a sales and marketing professional.

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