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Flaws in ERP training


Training is an important determinant of ERP benefits. Unfortunately there are many flaws in ERP training. This makes companies to think that ERP is not worth for the money. Some even conclude that ERP does not help in attaining the benefits as promised. If one is able to identify the flaws in ERP training and suggest the appropriate remedial measures the benefit of ERP will follow provided whatever said in the training phase finds shape by way of action. Therefore, feel free to contact the IT Dev custom ERP development company.

Some common mistakes that take place in ERP training include the following:

Too much emphasis on technical aspects

By and large ERP training has become a technical symposium. The modules lay more stress on the technical issues. The emphasis has to be shifted to the actual workings and more inputs have to be thrown on relevant issues like the problems faced by employees and its remedies. Besides it should account for other issues that employees will face in the course of ERP's intervention in the organization. On the contrary all these have been given a goby and the training has been restricted purely to the system and its applications. This will not give the necessary benefit of ERP.

Does not address business issues

Trainings are of late becoming more system oriented without any application of what happens in the real business situations. The trainees get to follow everything in the sessions more clearly. The problem arises when they use it during the regular course of business. The bridge between practice and theory has made the training function meaningless and will not help in attaining ERP benefits.

Less importance to training

Companies accord training as a mere procedure compliance. In that sense it is just the process of testing the usage .the concept of training has become a namesake affair. This creates lot of problems when workers use ERP because they find that things don't work the way in business as it used to while testing the usage. Training did not envisage what would and what would not happen in the actual business scenario or in other words it does not examine cause and effect relationships but just sticks to demonstrating and explaining the working system. If more importance is given it will help in getting the benefit of ERP.

Errors in administration

Even if training is the best in the industry and succeeds in meeting the required parameters the resultant follow up is more important. In simple words" what has been preached should be practiced". In reality the rules and regulations followed in organization may clash with some of the new practices advocated by ERP. The irony is that people decide to stick to the organization procedures and policies without realizing the fact that the violation is only for a short time and meant for the benefit of the organization. This defeats the functioning of ERP and puts the organization in the same old place. On the contrary if a compromise is made in this regard the organization will enjoy the benefit of ERP immediately.

Lack of operational awareness

The whole organization should know the working pattern of ERP after the training process. If people tend to neglect it and specialize it for the heck of completing their area of operation then the desired benefits will not be sought. Since ERP involves lot of coordination it is essential for everybody to be aware of the "Know How". ERP benefits cannot be achieved without removing these drawbacks.

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