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By relevance we mean the compliance of the search results to the user query, that is, how adequate the selection of sites to a given key phrase. Relevance is checked automatically by the system on the frequency of use of thematic keys.

To go to the top of output, you should stick to the average density of search phrases: low frequency will not give the site a lift in the rankings, and increased frequency will be considered as overspam, for the presence of which sites are also filtered and subsume system sanctions.

How relevance is determined

At a time of active filling of the Internet with new sites there was a need to clean up and make as specific as possible, so search engines introduced such a criterion as relevance. Initially it was determined by the presence of keywords in the titles, meta tags and text design. When it began to be used, creating webs, search engines had to add more criteria for analysis, the pages began to check the text and the density of keywords in it.

The new verification formula is the construction R = PR * (T + L), where:

  • R - stands for relevance;

  • PR - search rank, i.e. position in the results;

  • T - indicator of text relevance by keywords and content;

  • L - accuracy of linking, the compliance of texts on those pages that are mentioned in the form of links, a given subject.

Such an expression shows the picture of assessing relevance in general terms, not being the most accurate.

External relevance criteria

The level of external relevance depends on the authority of the site, that is, the frequency of links to it (the use of external links). If a page is often enough mentioned on third-party resources, it rises higher in the ranking of extradition. Therefore, today the practice of buying external links to artificially raise the site's ranking in the top. And then anchor text backlink checker comes into play.

Search engines use the classic algorithm for PR, which was developed for Google and subsequently improved under the new requirements for the definition of relevance. The mechanism is based on the calculation of external popularity - the number of links per page.

Internal relevance criteria

The relevance of a page in text is determined by content analysis by the system. To raise the site in prominence, keywords must be entered correctly in the text. They should be used in the correct forms with an average frequency, as well as appear in the titles.

If the titles of the texts completely repeat the search query, the site is considered more relevant. Other criteria include:

  • The position of the keyword - for example, in meta tags and subheadings;

  • close position of the main words on the topic - sometimes the role is played by persistent word combinations and phrases;

  • high position of keys - the closer to the beginning they are mentioned, the more significant they are considered;

  • synonymic richness - a sign of relevance is considered the use of all the main words on the topic in different forms.

To keep the site from being filtered, content should be natural but optimized. For example, you need to watch out for mentions of search phrases in headlines and text intros, and use a diverse set of keys and their synonyms, which will determine the overall thematic relevance of the content.

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