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5 Email Marketing Tips to Your B2B Customers


When it comes to nurturing your B2B customer leads, email marketing is an incredibly effective strategy that you should be sure to implement. Email marketing will help you to build a relationship with your B2B prospects as well as to gather important information that can help to improve your return on investment. The following are 5 tips that will help you create an effective email marketing campaign for your B2B customers:

Focus on providing valuable content

Many companies make the mistake of sending out mass emails with content that isn’t relevant nor relative to their customers. First of all, you need to have a communication goal before you can begin crafting your emails. Don’t just send out advertisements for products and services. Guess what – readers are diligent and if they receive advertising masked as email, it will result in readers marking your emails as spam, which is the last thing you want. Instead, provide your readers with content that can be helpful to them and their business need. Your content needs to provide value as well as engage your B2B prospects. Providing download links to free white papers or webinars is a great way to accomplish this.

Individualize your emails

Another problem that many email marketing campaigns tend to have is that many companies automate their emails for mass distribution on the same day of every week or month. This means that they will send the same email to every single prospect. However, this can be an issue since different business customers have different needs. For example, if your business sells software to other businesses, then you won’t want to send an email that contains content the use of software in high schools to businesses in the tech industry. In order to avoid sending out emails that aren’t relevant to some of your B2B prospects but that are relevant to others, you should customize your emails. You can segment the companies in your email list using information gathered that includes who downloaded what offer, who opened what email and who spend certain amounts of time on different pages of your website.

Be personal

Nobody wants to read through content that sounds like it was ripped straight from a text book. Don’t be afraid to be personal – to have a human voice. In fact, by having a more personal voice, readers will be able to relate much more to you, thereby making it easier for you to draw their interest.

Test your emails

Before you actually execute the email campaign to your B2B prospects, you should make sure that they function properly. Sending out emails that don’t work can be disastrous. Test subject lines to make sure that the right message ends up in the right prospect’s inbox. You should also test all of the elements that make up each email, from the images to the text, in order to make revisions where necessary. Not only do you want to make sure that your prospect receives an email that is actually targeted to them, you want to make sure that they can open it without any issues and that all text and images load properly.

Analyze your email marketing numbers

Once you’ve planned out and begun executing an email marketing campaign, don’t be mistaken into thinking that everything is set in stone. You need to be using analytics in order to identity what parts of your email marketing campaign are working and what parts aren’t. You can then adjust your strategies in order to ensure that your campaign is as effective as possible. Some of the elements you should analyze include the percentage of emails that make it to their intended target, the click-through rate of your emails, the forwarding rate, the conversion rate of each email and more.

These are five tips that will help you to enhance your email marketing campaign for B2B prospects.

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